Practice areas
- Employment & Labour law
- Litigation
- Corporate Governance
- Civil Law
- IT/Privac
- Italian
- English
Maddelena BOFFOLI
Maddalena Boffoli graduated from Bari Law School and became qualified attorney after a first experience in a law firm in Bari where she got extensive experience in Litigation (labour law).
In 2003, after working for three years in a Milan based law firm, Maddalena founded her own Law Firm: Studio Legale Boffoli in Milan. The ongoing commitment of Mrs. Boffoli and her team of attorneys to ensure a valued legal assistance to her clients has led to the opening of an office in Rome and expanding the main office in Milan in the current address of Corso Venezia 10.
Maddalena has a practice of 18 years in Litigation, Employment & Labor law, Corporate Governance, Civil Law and IT/Privacy. Passion, determination, strategic vision, quest for solutions and authority are the core values of Maddalena.
Thanks to the cooperation agreement signed between SRDB and Studio Legale Boffoli, the latter will represent SRDB in Italy as from 2022 and offer to SRDB an effective presence in Milan and Rome.
Maddalena is member of AGI (Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani), LES Italy (Licensing Executives Society Italy), and AIDP (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale).
Rankings & Awards:
- “Lawyer of the Year Boutique of Excellence Labour Law / Industrial Relations” – Le Fonti Awards 2019
- “Lawyer of the Year / Boutique of Excellence / Labour Law” – Le Fonti Awards 2020
Publications and Conferences:
- “Commentario breve alle leggi sul lavoro sesta edizione (Ed. Cedam – Breviaria Iuris)”
- Commentary on Legislative Decree no. 150 of 1 September 2011 on complementary provisions to the Civil Procedure Code concerning the reduction and simplification of civil proceedings, pursuant to article 54 of Law no. 69 of 18 June 2009.
- Art. 28 – Rito sommario di cognizione in materia di discriminazione
- “Gender Equality” Conference held on 20 October 2021 at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, with the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti.
- “Dialogues in Spoleto” on the subject of “Women, theology, power and spirituality” led by Paola Severini Melograni.
- Ms Boffoli was the creator, promoter and speaker at the AGI Conference of 2.12.2019 “L’importante è pareggiare – Diritto del Lavoro e parità di genere nello Sport”.
- Speaker at the “Training Master in New Media, Finance and Innovation for Sport”, led by the University of Palermo on 24.3.2021.
- Speaker at the Training Course in Law, Management and Communication of Sport”, led by the University of Perugia on 27.2.2021.